About Alex Ottewell

Our team is committed to finding innovative approaches that maximize efficiency and minimize environmental impact.

"The high-octane visionary and trailblazing CEO of One World Petroleum."

A bona fide entrepreneur hailing from Southampton, England, who moved to Florida in 2000 as a child, Ottewell’s impressive journey is a testament to his indomitable spirit, strategic acumen, and relentless pursuit of success. His entrepreneurial spirit can be traced back to childhood negotiations, where he bought, sold, and bartered his way into whichever venture piqued his curiosity at the time.

Once reigning over the dynamic realm of real estate investment, Ottewell focused on the Fix/Flip space from 2011 to 2022. He single-handedly revolutionized the space, amassing an astonishing company history of over 1,000 fix & flips in the residential sector. Additionally, he established a joint venture arm that allowed others in the industry to utilize his 4+ million buyers database to expedite their sales in a win/win scenario.

With a niche focus on mobile homes and lands in burgeoning sub-markets around Tampa, Ottewell deftly expanded his reach across an expansive 11 counties, predominantly focusing on Tax Deed auctions for the initial 8 years of his career. At his peak, he simultaneously managed between 15-25 projects utilizing his own in-house curated renovation teams to streamline his average renovation to a mere 14 days turnaround. Such was his prowess that he earned the esteemed nickname – the “King of Trailers.”


"From real estate to oil & gas, Alexander Ottewell breaks boundaries and redefines success."

Ottewell’s commendable entrepreneurial spirit also led him to establish a formidable call center in Bacoor, Philippines. Boasting a diligent staff of over 250 virtual-based employees managed with local staff, he allowed other investors to hire and utilize the proprietary systems and processes he had generated for large-volume motivated lead generation.

In a daring pivot in December 2022, Ottewell shook the very foundations of his career. He sold his thriving real estate businesses to embark on a bold new journey, turning his sights to the vibrant world of the oil & gas industry with zero experience and a new challenge to overcome.

Currently an active operator in Texas, Ottewell is accelerating growth in the space by acquiring other companies’ portfolios. As of 2023, over 100 wells across 22 leases have been acquired, with plans to reach over 250 wells by the end of the year. His audacious vision is set to reshape the petroleum industry with new energy and rapid implementation, proving he is a force to be reckoned with.

A seasoned maverick, a relentless innovator, and an influential leader, Alexander Ottewell continues to break boundaries and redefine the possible. One thing is certain: his journey is just getting started, and the world can expect many more incredible feats from this 32-year-old unstoppable force.

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