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Partnering with us can bring numerous benefits to your organization.

Non-operated Working Interest

Becoming a direct non-operated working interest owner in one of our many producing oil and gas leases/wells offers a multitude of benefits that span from economic rewards to contributing to the global energy landscape while helping diversify into other forms of passive income. Here’s a high-level explanation:

Revenue Stream

Perhaps the most appealing aspect of direct working interest ownership is the potential for substantial financial returns. If the wells are productive, owners receive a portion of the revenue generated by the sale of oil and gas based on their percentage of ownership. Given the significant demand for these resources, the potential earnings can be considerable.

Tax Advantages

In many jurisdictions, owning a direct working interest in oil and gas wells offers substantial tax benefits. These can include deductions for drilling costs, depletion allowances, and other operating expenses, which can offset income and potentially reduce an owner’s overall tax liability.

Commodity Price Exposure

Working interest owners are directly exposed to commodity prices. This can be a significant advantage when oil and gas prices rise, potentially offering much higher returns than traditional investments.


Direct ownership in oil and gas wells can serve as an effective way to diversify an investment portfolio. Energy resources are fundamentally linked to the global economy and can behave differently from other assets like stocks or bonds, which can help balance out market volatility.

Energy Independence

On a broader scale, investing in oil and gas can contribute to a country’s energy independence. By supporting domestic production of these crucial resources, you help reduce reliance on foreign imports and contribute to a more stable and secure energy infrastructure.

Non-operated Working Interest

Becoming a direct non-operated working interest owner in one of our many producing oil and gas leases/wells offers a multitude of benefits that span from economic rewards to contributing to the global energy landscape while helping diversify into other forms of passive income. Here’s a high-level explanation:

Revenue Stream

Perhaps the most appealing aspect of direct working interest ownership is the potential for substantial financial returns. If the wells are productive, owners receive a portion of the revenue generated by the sale of oil and gas based on their percentage of ownership. Given the significant demand for these resources, the potential earnings can be considerable.

Tax Advantages

In many jurisdictions, owning a direct working interest in oil and gas wells offers substantial tax benefits. These can include deductions for drilling costs, depletion allowances, and other operating expenses, which can offset income and potentially reduce an owner’s overall tax liability.


Direct ownership in oil and gas wells can serve as an effective way to diversify an investment portfolio. Energy resources are fundamentally linked to the global economy and can behave differently from other assets like stocks or bonds, which can help balance out market volatility.

Commodity Price Exposure

Working interest owners are directly exposed to commodity prices. This can be a significant advantage when oil and gas prices rise, potentially offering much higher returns than traditional investments.

Energy Independence

On a broader scale, investing in oil and gas can contribute to a country’s energy independence. By supporting domestic production of these crucial resources, you help reduce reliance on foreign imports and contribute to a more stable and secure energy infrastructure.

Strategic Partnerships For Profitable Oil Investment

One World Petroleum stands as a formidable partner in the oil and gas industry with its strategic focus on acquiring existing production at discounted rates. Their pragmatic approach of basing the sales of direct ownership on current production, as opposed to speculative future potentials, makes them uniquely positioned in the industry. This allows for a greater degree of certainty and transparency, enabling investors to more accurately forecast their returns, thereby minimizing the speculative nature of their investment

By targeting undervalued assets and implementing efficiency improvements, One World Petroleum seeks to maximize profitability, thereby benefiting their investment partners. Their commitment to this business model, coupled with their industry expertise and professionalism, makes One World Petroleum an ideal partner for anyone seeking to navigate the complexity of the oil and gas industry.

In closing, we appreciate you taking the time to learn more and are thrilled to see your interest in becoming a part of the dynamic oil and gas industry with One World Petroleum. The next step is simple yet crucial – please fill out the accompanying form, and don’t forget to join our upcoming webinar, where we’ll dive deeper into the process and address any questions you might have. We pride ourselves on providing a range of options to suit different investment capacities, with opportunities for buyers ranging from $50,000 to $5 Million. Our team is ready to assist you in making an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals. We look forward to your participation and welcoming you to a rewarding partnership.

Leveraging Established Production

While considering direct ownership in oil and gas wells, one must be mindful of the intricacies of this investment. Indeed, like all investments, it carries a degree of uncertainty, particularly in relation to fluctuating commodity prices and potential environmental considerations. Nevertheless, investing in existing producing wells offers unique advantages. As these wells already have established production histories, they provide the benefit of reliable data and proven decline models, enabling a more predictable projection of future production and revenue. This aids in creating more accurate forecasting and strategic planning. However, as always, comprehensive due diligence and thoughtful consideration remain essential steps when contemplating investments in this industry.

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